
Wednesday 26 February 2014

Hasil Baik dari Kerja Keras

Huch.. Hari ini super duper melelahkan.  Mulai dari ngurus Raport.Ada nilai di PDSS yang salah. Kartu Pelajar yang nggak sesuai NISN Kemendikbud. Harus kesana kemari menemui guru yang bersangkutan. Harus rela dibilang over. Tapi semua ini tak apa lah, kerja keras akan menghasilkan yang terbaik, bukan begitu? Tak ada yang melarang Orang bermimpi bukan? Maka dari itu ayo kita anggota Pejuang UN 2014 harus menuntaskan misi kita Lulus Un 2014 dan diterima PTN yang kita inginkan. Mari kita sama-sama berdoa. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah jalan kami. Berikan kami kekuatan, kesehatan, dan keimanan, Ya Allah Hanya kepadaMu,  kami berteduh. Hanya kepadaMu,  kami Meminta. Hanya Kepadamu,  kami Memuja. Semoga apa yang kami lakukan hari ini membawa manfaat dan memberikan hasil yang terbaik dari seluruh usaha dan kerja keras kami. Untuk pengunjung Blog, saya meminta doanya agar SMAN 1 Kayen Lulus 100%. Amin. :) Terimakasih. :)

Saturday 22 February 2014

News Item

v   Social Function / Purpose (Tujuan) :
To inform readers, listeners or viewers about events ot the day which are considered newsworthy or important (memberi informasi kepada pembaca, pendengar, pemirsa tentang suatu kejadian yang dianggap perlu untuk diberitakan)
v   Generic / Schematic Structure (Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
ü  Newsworthy Event : recount the event in summary form (ringkasan kejadian)
ü  Background Events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances (latar belakang kejadian / peristiwa)
ü  Sources:  comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event (sumber berita, komentar pelaku, saksi, dan pendapat para ahli)
v   Linguistic Features ( Struktur/ Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan) :
ü  Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline (informasi pendek, ringkas, membahas tentang judul berita)
ü  Use of material processes to retell the event ( menggunakan kata kerja aktif, bisa dengan angka-angka)
ü  Use of projecting verbal processes in source stage (kata kerja yang menyatakan opinion dan laporan)
ü  Use of Past Tenses (menggunakan pola kalimat lampau)
ü  Focus circumstances of time and place (keterangan waktu dan tempat)
v   Example :
        Kupang (JP): The death of thousands of chickens in the last two weeks have raised public fears of avian influenza virus in Kupang, although local authorities have said the deaths weren’t relates to the virus. The true cause is still under investigation. The specimens of two dead chickens have been sent to two laboratories. They will be investigated there within a month. (Newsworthy Event)
        The head of animal health unit of East Nusa Tenggara Husbandary Agency, Maria Geong, said Tuesday that 7.000 chickens had died in Kupang in the last two weeks. (Background Event)
        “Preliminary investigations suggest the chickens died of Newcastle disease or chronis respiratory disease,” Maria Geong added. (Sources)


v   Social Function / Purpose (Tujuan) :
To retell events with humorous twist for the purpose of entertaining (menceritakan kembali pengalaman seseorang dengan gaya humor untuk menghibur pembaca)
v   Generic / Schematic Structure (Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
ü  Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants (menggambarkan tokoh, tempat,waktu)
ü  Events : tell what happened, in with sequence ( menceritakan apa yang terjadi dan dalam keadaan bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi / rangkaian kejadian)
ü  Twist:humorous ending (akhir cerita yang lucu / tidakl terduga)
Ø  Note: a text may consist of more than one events
v   Linguistic Features ( Struktur/ Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan) :
ü  Focus on specific participants (fokus pada seseorang  tertentu)
ü  Use of material processes ( menggunakan kata kerja aktif)
ü  Circumstances of time and place ( menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat)
ü  Use of Past Tenses (menggunakan pola kalimat lampau)
ü  Focus on temporal sequences (then, after that, before, . . .)
v   Example :
Penguin in the Park
        Once a man was walking in a park  when he came across a penguin. (Orientation)
He took him to a policeman and said, “I have just found this penguin. What should I do” the policeman replied,”Take him to the zoo”. (Event 1)
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked, “Why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?”, “I certainly did”  replied the man.( Event 2)
“And it was great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m taking him to the movies!”. (Twist)


v    Social Function / Purpose   (Tujuan):
To critique an art work, event for public audience. Such works of art include movies, TV shows, books, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts and ballets (mengkritik hasil karya seni sepertifilm, TV show, buku drama,opera, rekaman,pameran, konser, balet)
v    Generic / Schematic Structure (Urutan Kejadian / Pembahasan):
ü   Orientation : place the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its kind or through analoguewith a non-art object or event ( menempatkan suatu karya seni pada konteks umum atau khusus, membandingkannya dengan karya seni lain ataupun dengan karyanon-seni lainnya)
ü   Interpretive Recount : summaries the plot and/ or provides an account of how the reviewed rendition of the work come into being; is optional, but if present, often recursive ( ringkasan cerita atau bagaimana penciptaan sebuah karya seni,sifatnya optional)
ü   Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production; is usually recursive ( memberikan penilaian terhadap sebuah karya seni atau penampilan atau produksi, biasanya berulang)
ü   Evaluative Summation : provides a kind of punch-line which sums up the reviewer’s opinion of the art event as a whole; is optional ( memberikan kesimpulan atau pendapat penulis terhadap sebuah karya tersebut secara keseluruhan)
v    Linguistic Features ( Struktur / Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan) :
ü   Focus on Particular Participants ( fokus pada obyek tertentu)
ü   Direct expression of options through use of Attitudinal Ephitets in nominal or groups; qualitative attribute and affective mental processes ( menggunakan kata yang mengungkapkan perasaan penulis secara langsung = impress, feel, think, interested)
ü   Use of elaborating and extending clause and group complexes to package the information ( menggunakan klausa yang kompleks dalam memberkan informasi)
ü   Use of metaphorical language ( menggunakan gaya bahasa metafora / kiasan)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (By J.K. Rowling)
The book takes the place in modern times, in England. The main character is Harry Potter, a wizard. He goes to a school for witches and wizards, called Hogwarts. (Orientation)
It is Harry’s second yearat Hogwarts and he and his two best friends, Hermione and Ron are having a great time learning magic. There is a new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart keeps nagging Harry, because the professor thinks that Harry tries to get attention to be famouse! While all the witches at school love the new professor, all of the wizards think he is a big joke. ( Interpretative Recount)
After a month of school at Hogwarts, strange attack begin to happen. First, the caretake’r cat, Mrs.Norris, has been found, not dead, but petrified! Not only was Filch’s cat attacked, but some of the Muggle-born students at Hogwarts have been found petrified also. Naturally,all of the students are frightened at this, but they become even more scared when the next victim to be found petrified is the Gryffindor ghost, Nearly Headless Nick! (Interpretative Recount)
What kind of monster is powerful enough to kill someone who already dead? Who will be the next victim? To find out you must read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret! I have to say that the story was bright, fast paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying. (Evaluation)

The book is definitely a page turner! I recommend this book to nine years old and over. (Evaluative Summation)


v   Social Function / Purpose  ( Tujuan):
To explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural or social cultural phenomena ( menjelaskan tentang proses terjadinya sesuatu dan atau cara kerja sesuatu, tentang kejadian alam maupun cara kerja suatu alat)
v   Generic / Schematic Structure  (Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
ü   A general statement to position the reader ( pernyataan / keterangan umum untuk memposisikan pembaca)
ü   A sequenced explanation of how or why something occurs (menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa sesuatu itu terjadi)
v   Linguistic Features  ( Struktur / Susunan Kebahasaan yang
ü   Focus on generic, non human participant (Obyeknya umum, bukan manusia)
ü   Use mainly of Material and Relational Processes (menggunakan kata kerja aktif)
ü   Use mainly of temporal and causal Circumstances and Conjunctions ( menggunakan rutan kejadian dan kata smbung yang menyatakan sebab akibat = then,next,after that, because, for, to, . . .)
ü   Some use Passive Voiceto get theme right ( menggunakan kalimat pasif = to be +V3)
v   Example :

How Do Electric Motors Work
A motor turns electrical energy into motion. ( General Statement)
A motor is made from a magnet with a wire wrapped around it. Electricity moving through the wire spins the magnet around.
The spinning magnets are attached to the wheels on a toy car, or the blades of a fan, or whatever the motor is connected to.

The most common motors are called squirrel-cage motors. They look like the wheel a pet hamster migth have in its cage for exercise. ( Sequenced exlanation of ho something works)


v   Sosial Function/ Purpose ( Tujuan) :
To present (at least) two points of view about an issue (menyajikan paling tidak dua sudutpandang tentang sebuah issue {setuju/ tidak setuju})
v   Generic / Schematic Structure ( Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
ü  Issue : Statement ( pernyataan) and Preview ( menyajikan suatu issue)
ü  Arguments for  (menyatakan setuju) and Argument against (menyatakan tidak setuju) or statement of differing points of view (menyatakan ada perbedaan pendapat.
1.   Points ( pendapat )
2.   Elaborations( pendukung pendapat)
ü  Conclution or Recommendation  (Kesimpulan yang positif atau Saran)
v   Linguistic Features  (Struktur/ Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan) :
ü  Focus on generic human and non-human participants (menggunakan obyek dan pelaku manusia dan hal/ benda)
ü  Use of Mental and Relational Processes
ü  Use of Simple Present Tenses
There was a lot of discussion about thether boxing  should be banned. (Issue)
The people  who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they to carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their head. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriosly hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families. (Argument For)
However,  there are also strong argument against this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say that why they invent it if it is a dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers. (Argument Against)

After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them I think boxing should be bammed because five hundred people have died in boxing sice 1884. ( Conclusion)

Hortatory Exposition

v   Social Function / Purpose (Tujuan) :
To persuade the readers or listeners that something should or should not be the case ( Untuk membujuk pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu seharusnya / tidak seharusnya dilakukan {menyarankan})
v   Generic / Schematic Structure (Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
ü  Thesis : announcement of issue concern ( memperkenalkan hal yang akan dibahas)
ü  Arguments : reasons for concern, leading to recommendation (alasan-alasan yang mendukung bahasan)
ü  Recommendation: statements of what ought or ought not to happen ( pernyataan yang menyatakan sesuatu seharusnya/ tidak seharusnya terjadi / dilakukan)
Ø  Note: a text may consist of more than one argument
v   Linguistic Features ( Struktur/ Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan) :
ü  Focus on generic human and non human participants, except for speakers or writer refering to self (menggunakan obyek pelaku manusia dan hal/ benda)
ü  Use of:
1.   Mental Processes : to state what writer thinks or feels about issue {realize, feel, appreciate}
2.   Material Processes : to state  what happen {is polluting, drive, travel, spend, should be treated}
3.   Relational Processes : to state what is or should be { don’t seem to have been, is }
ü  Use of Simple Present Tenses
Example :
Country Concern
In all discussion over the romoval of lead from petrol (and the atmospher) there doesn’t seem to have may mention of the different between driving in the city and the country. (Thesis)
While I relize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air whereeverI drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city road. (Argument 1)
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one’s own vehicle is the only way to get about. (Argument 2)
I feel  that country people, who often have to trevel  huge distances to the mearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should  be treated  differently to the people who live in the city. (Recommendation)

Cara mengganti Pointer di Blog

           Mouse pointer atau penunjuk mouse adalah tanda yang menyatakan posisi mouse pada layar. Umumnya berbentuk tanda panah akan tetapi bisa diubah sesuai keinginan. Untuk itu pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan cara mudah merubah pointer atau cursor mouse pada Blog anda. Cursor mouse merupakan salah satu bagian penting pada Blog, karena merupakan bagian yang paling sering mendapat perhatian dari pengunjung. Dengan merubah kursornya dengan tampilan yang lebih unik tentunya Blog anda akan terlihat lebih menarik. Jika anda tertarik untuk mengganti kursor pada Blog anda, silakan ikuti tutorialnya dibawah, Selanjutnya langkah-langkah untuk mengubah Cursor Mouse di Blog yaitu:
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         10.   Jika sudah klik "Simpan".

 Sekarang tampilan cursor mouse anda sudah berubah, silahkan buka Blog Anda.


Analytical Exposition

v   Sosial Function/ Purpose ( Tujuan) :
     To persuade the readers or listeners that something is the case ( untuk membujuk
      pembaca atau pendengar dengan memberikan suatu kesimpulan)

v   Generic/ Schematic Structure (Urutan Kejadian/ Pembahasan):
- Thesis : 
·      Position : introducetopic and indicate writer's position ( memperkenalkan topik dan menunjukkan posisi penulis    =    menulis tentang kebaikan/ keburukan saja)
·       Preview : outline the main argument to be presented ( mengemukakan karangan kerangka pendapat yang akan disampaikan )
-Argument :
·        Points : restates main arguments outlined in Preview ( mengemukakan kembali kerangka pendapat yang akan disampaikan)
·        Elaboration :develops and supports each point/ argument ( mengembangkan / mendukung tiap paragraf)
-Reiteration / Summing Up : 
restates writer’s position ( mengemukakan kembali posisi penulis / memberikan kesimpulan
Ø  Note : a text may consist of more than one arguments and elaborations

v Linguistic Features ( Struktur / Susunan Kebahasaan yang digunakan
-         Focus on generic human and non-human participants ( fokus pada suatu obyek manusia dan suatu hal / benda )
-         Use of Simple Present Tense
-         Use of Relational Processes( menggunakan tu be / have /has )
-         Use of internal conjunction to state argument ( menggunakan kata hubung )
-         Reasoning through casual conjunction or nominalization (mengemukakan alasan dengan menggunakan kata hubung yang menyatakan alasan / sebab)

In Austalia there are three levels of goverment,the federal goverment, state
goverments and local goverments. All of the three levels of goverment are
necessary. This is so for a number of  reasons. (Thesis : Position)

First, the federal goverment is necessary for the bis things. ( Argument 1 : Point) They
keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. ( Elaboration)

Similarly, the state goverment looks after the middle sized things. (Argument 2 :Point)
For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. (Elaboration)
            Finally, local goverments look after the small things. (Argument 3 : Point)
They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseases.(Elaboration)

Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of goverment are necessary. (Reiteration : Conclusion)